Remember, spend some time on them to try to figure them out. Don't peek at the hints too soon, you'll spoil the fun! Also, a quick note to YOU my loyal visitor, thank you for visiting! As long as you keep coming, I'll keep putting up more of these. You're the greatest! Now prove it and see how long it takes YOU to figure these out!
Exciting Word Plays - A group of quickies to get your brain warmed up.
Odd one out - Find the words that don't go with the others.
Clock Tower Conundrum - Listen to the gongs in your head and add up the time you wasted!
Interesting Old Anagrams - See if you can solve these mixed up words and phrases.
Girl Driver - She's just got her license and almost gets into an accident. Or does she?
Plane Crash Riddle - A subtle twist on the classic plane crash riddle about survivors.
We can use some additional webmasters. Do you have a knowledge of HTML and want to help build out this brain teasers site?
Contact Us if you're interested!