Brain Teasers Collection #1
Animal Anagrams
An anagram is a word that can be rearranged into another word.
Instructions: Look at the words below. Each of them can be rearranged to make the name of an animal. See how long it takes to get them all. Some are harder than others!
Time yourself (press Start button)! - Are you faster than your friends?
Click for Hint #1
One of them has spots. One is a dog that goes and gets stuff for you. One is the King of the jungle.
Click for Hint #2
A type of this dog starts with "Cocker".
Click for Hint #3 (will make it so easy, you're sure to figure it out)
Sometimes the best thing to do is rearrange the letters yourself, and just look at them for awhile. It's usually much more difficult when they are already in the form of a word, because it's tough to get your mind to think otherwise!
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